Bhagavad Gita Online Class 60
How to free yourself from the prison of your thoughts through yogbal (the power of Yoga) (chapter 8 verses 9 to 12) • A description of the Supreme Truth: the Seer, the ancient, the ruler, subtler than the subtle, the supporter of all, whose form is beyond conception, who is suncoloured beyond the darkness.
•The definition of a kavi (Seer) by Shankracharyaji and Ramanunjacharyaji, and in the Isho Upanishad.
•How there is no such thing as the past or the future. The example of watching a car from different points in a building.
•A study of prayers read during the Shantipath by Shankracharyaji and Ramanunjacharyaji.
•The definition of Puran (the ancient and eternal). Why ShreeRamchandraji and ShreeKrushna always looked young despite living for over 100 years.
•A study of the Taittrya Upanishad about how the Supreme Truth cannot be perceived by the senses.
•The 22 definitions of the word tam (darkness) and how the Supreme Soul is beyond all of these.
•The differences of the intellect that tries to help other people and the intellect that tries to destroy other people.
•How you are not the body and how the body keeps changing every second.
•The three things needed for bhakti (devotion): humility, feeling and love.
•The meaning of yogbal (the power of Yoga) according to the Bhakti Rasayan Granth of Madhusudan Saraswati. How this frees human beings from the prison of their thoughts.
If there are small problems then there is a small development; if there are big problems then there is big development. If you wish to develop your child then you should keep giving the child problems.
•A study of the seven chakras (energy centres) and how to set will the life force at the centre of the eyebrows.
•A description of the lives of the Raghuvansh by the poet Saint Kalidas.
•A study of Brahman, who is the goal of the Vedas.
•An explanation of the state of vitarag (non-attachment), which is beyond rag (attraction) and virag (repulsion).
•The definition of Brahmachari (self-control) and how this does not mean celibacy.
•An explanation of the Brahmaranda (plane of Brahman), going to which one attains liberation.
•Shakespear's study of death.
•The body as a city of nine gates and a study of these gates.
Chapter 8 verse 9: http://youtu.be/VDcrQRrXFu0
Chapter 8 verse 10: http://youtu.be/0ttLwIL6Xcg
Chapter 8 verse 11: http://youtu.be/pH3qq65Cf3U
Chapter 8 verse 12: http://youtu.be/s8k0IITbw0w