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Bhagavad Gita Online Class 133

The five factors in the accomplishment of all actions: the seat of action, the agent, the instruments of various sorts, the many kinds of efforts and providence. A study of the impact of free will and destiny during the French revolution and in the discovery of steam energy by James Watt. (chapter 18 verses 12 to 21) 


 •Pleasant, unpleasant and mixed- threefold is the fruit of action accruing after death to those who have not relinquished: there is none whatever for those who have renounced.


•The five factors for the successful accomplishment of all works are: adhishtān (the seat of action), kartā (the agent), prthagvidam karanam (the instruments of various sorts), vividhāsh ca prthakcestā (the many kinds of efforts) and daiva (destiny).


•The meaning of prthagvidam karanam (the instruments of various sorts) is 12 things: the five senses of knowledge, the five senses of action, the mind and the intellect.


•The circumstances that we are in is daiva (destiny). And what we do in the circumstances is our efforts.


•The majority of people live on one extreme or the other. There are some people who think that there is only efforts and nothing else and there are some other people who are in the majority that depend completely on their daiva (destiny). Both of these extremes are wrong. God gives 20% to daiva (destiny).


•Things in life that are dependent upon destiny: the birth, the parents, the body, the life partner, children and death.


•A study of the French revolution and the impact of destiny on the death of the royal couple.


•The impact of destiny in James Watt discovering steam energy.


•A study of the Bridhanyak Upanishad about how a knower of Brahman is never tainted by wrong action.


•The four things one must understand in order to reach a state where one is free from self sense and one's intellect is not sullied.


•How to understand the constant nature of change in the universe. The only steady thing in this universe is that it changes constantly.


•The science of being a witness towards life and having the attitude that "I am not the doer".


•Gnyān (wisdom), gneha (the object of wisdom) and parignātā (who has understood the object of wisdom in its totality), are the threefold karmachodana (incitements to action), and kartā (the agent), karan (the instrument) and karma (the action) are the threefold karmasamgraha (composites of action).


•The three types of gnyān (wisdom) of the modes of sattva (goodness), rajas (passion) and tamas (dullness).


•The wisdom by which the one Imperishable Being is seen in all existences, undivided in the divided, know that wisdom is of "goodness". A study of the poems of Hemang Shah.


•Everything will always begin from these four categories: I, you, this and Him. The whole of the human population falls under one of these four categories.


•The wisdom which sees multiplicity of beings in the different creatures, by reason of their seperateness, know that that wisdom is of the nature of "passion".


Chapter 18 verse 12:


Chapter 18 verse 13:


Chapter 18 verse 14:


Chapter 18 verse 15:


Chapter 18 verse 16:


Chapter 18 verse 17:


Chapter 18 verse 18:


Chapter 18 verse 19:


Chapter 18 verse 20:


Chapter 18 verse 21:




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