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Bhagavad Gita Online Class 106

A study of the 81 different types of ahimsa (non-violence) and how we can apply them in our lives. The first set of qualities of gnyan (wisdom):  humility (absence of pride), integrity (absence of deceit), non-violence, patience, uprightness, service of the teacher, purity (of body and mind), steadfastness and self-control (chapter 13 verses 6 to 7) 


 •The seven modifications of the field and how they can develop or destroy a person's antakaran (inner being): desire and hatred, pleasure and pain, the aggregate (the organism), intelligence and steadfastness.


•A study of the six schools of thought in Sanathan Dharma: Samkhya, Yoga, Nyāya, Vaisheshika, Mimāmsā and Vedanta.


•Why the Vaisheshika school of thought considers the modifications to be the qualities of the soul and the Dharma of the soul.


•Why the root of desire is a feeling of pleasure. How does a desire become manifested?


•The two types of desires: those that result in pleasures and those that destroy sorrows.


•A study of hatred and where it comes from.


•The definition of pleasures from Lord Pārāshār in the Pārāshār Gita in the Māhābhārata.


•The first time the word sanghāta (cluster) is used in the Gita to refer to the body. A study of the 24 substances that the sanghāta (cluster) of the body is made up of.


•A study of Nilkanth's definition of consciousness.


•How the five great gross elements support each other and why steadfastness is needed.


•Why all the modifications are in the kshetra (the field) but not in the kshetragna (the knower).


•An introduction to the 20 qualities of gnyān (wisdom) described in five verses. How the Saint of Maharastra called Gnāneshwar wrote 700 verses as commentary on these five verses.


•A study of the nine qualities of gnyān (wisdom) described in the ninth verse: humility (absence of pride), integrity (absence of deceit), non-violence, patience, uprightness, service of the teacher, purity (of body and mind), steadfastness and self-control.


•Ramanunjacharyaji's definition of humility.


•Why the Vishnu Purana says that a Yogi who gets insulted by people all who is criticised by people, instantly attains siddhi (spiritual powers).


•A study of three names of Vishnu in the Vishnu Sahasra (the thousand names of Vishnu).


•A study of Shrimad Adi Shankracharya's definition of ahimsā (non-violence).


•The reason for violence is barbarity, the reason for barbarity is anger and the reason for anger is desire.


•The three types of violence: bodily violence, mental violence and self destruction.


•The peak of non-violence as shown in the Patanjali Yog Darshan: a true non-violent person and a true wise person is one in whose presence even wild animals forget their venom towards each other.


•The 81 types of violence and how to avoid them.


•The qualities of an Āchārya (teacher) as described in the Vishnu Purana.


•Madhusudhan Saraswati's explanation of the four things that inner purity comes from.


•A study of Patanjali's Yog Sutra of the five things one attains after getting inner purity.


Chapter 13 verse 6: 


Chapter 13 verse 7: 



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